Logan's blog

February 10, 2020
by Logan

Ancient Egypt


Dear Diary,


    I just came back from throwing the corn seeds, because            we don’t eat them, but Horus and the steppe eagle will eat them. It Is weird there are corn looking things growing from the seeds I threw yesterday. I am still astounded from the seeds growing to these things, it is so cool. I come back every week and it keeps getting bigger, it think I will call it a (plant) in hieroglyphics. It’s a big achievement for me, tomorrow I will tell everyone about my discovery.  On my way back, everyone was packing up, we were moving again!

    I was telling everyone about my plant, but none of them believed me, except for one person, his name is Yugi. He tried to convince them, but they didn’t believe us and they left. It was just me and Yugi, we started harvesting the plants, it took a while but it was worth it. In a couple of days, when I woke up, everyone was coming back. They said that Yugi had shown them the food from the plant. They were all thanking me and then we all started planting more. One of the royal guards took me to Faroe Yami and he said that I did great. Everybody settled in and it looks like everything will be great now that everybody is back.

Ploughing with a yoke of horned cattle in Ancient Egypt. Painting from the burial chamber of Sennedjem, c. 1200 BC.

February 10, 2020
by Logan

My Foster Kitten

I have a little kitten named Zuzu she was a small light and dark gray kitten and don’t forget to help animals at peaceable kingdom and Australian dogs furever not spelled wrong for dogs it is fur for forever 😉

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